Caroline Nguyen Ngoc
Courriels (Travail)
Travail 1 : 514 343-6111 #2877
Web : ResearchGate
Web : PubMed
- Membre – RSBO — Réseau de recherche en santé buccodentaire et osseuse
Education Programs
- Health Sciences
- DEN11002 Compétences en médecine dentaire 1.2
- DEN21002 Compétences en médecine dentaire 2.2
- DEN31002 Compétences en médecine dentaire 3.2
- DEN41002 Compétences en médecine dentaire 4.2
- DEN51002 Compétences en médecine dentaire 5.2
Publications Expand all Collapse all
- Moreau AM, Dumais-Pelletier SE, Nguyen Ngoc C, Rompré PH, Vu DD. The Management of Interproximal and Occlusal Caries in Children and Adolescents in Canada. J Can Dent Assoc. IN PRESS
Donovan T, Nguyen Ngoc C, Abd Alraheam I, Irusa K. “Contemporary diagnosis and management of dental erosion.” J Esthet Restor Dent. 6 janvier 2021; 78–87. 10.111/jerd.12706
Ngoc CN, Kontaxis KL, Epure E. “L’enseignement de la médecine dentaire en période de pandémie COVID-19. ” Pédagogie Médicale. 16 décembre 2020: 249-51. 10.1051/pmed/2020050
Abd Alraheam I, Nguyen Ngoc C, Oliveira G, Donovan T. “Clinical performance of a modified resin bonded fixed partial denture (Carolina bridge): A retrospective study.” J Esthet Restor Dent. 9 octobre 2020: 480-486.10.111/jerd.12670
Tikhonova S, Jessani A, Girard F, Macdonald ME, De Souza G, Tam L, Eggert FM, Nguyen Ngoc C, Morin N, Aggarwal N, Schroth RJ. “The Canadian Core Cariology Curriculum: Outcomes of a national symposium.” J Dent Educ. 22 juillet 2020: 1245-1253. 10.1002/jdd.12313
Ngoc CN, Ghuman T, Ahmed SN, Donovan TE. The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water. Gen Dent. 2018;66(5):46-51.
Ngoc CN, Mehta R, Donovan TE, Zandona AG. Teaching Silver Diamine Fluoride in US Dental Schools’ Predoctoral Curricula. J Dent Educ. 2018 Dec 1;82(12):1305-9.
Ngoc CN, Donovan TE. Education About Dental Erosion in US and Canadian Dental Schools. J Dent Educ. 2018 Dec 1;82(12):1296-304.
Alraheam IA, Ngoc CN, Wiesen CA, Donovan TE. Five‐year success rate of resin‐bonded fixed partial dentures: A systematic review. J Esthet Resto Dent. 2018 Oct 10
Donovan T, Nguyen Ngoc C, Abd Alraheam I, Irusa K. “Contemporary diagnosis and management of dental erosion.” J Esthet Restor Dent. 6 janvier 2021; 78–87. 10.111/jerd.12706
Ngoc CN, Kontaxis KL, Epure E. “L’enseignement de la médecine dentaire en période de pandémie COVID-19. ” Pédagogie Médicale. 16 décembre 2020: 249-51. 10.1051/pmed/2020050
Abd Alraheam I, Nguyen Ngoc C, Oliveira G, Donovan T. “Clinical performance of a modified resin bonded fixed partial denture (Carolina bridge): A retrospective study.” J Esthet Restor Dent. 9 octobre 2020: 480-486.10.111/jerd.12670
Tikhonova S, Jessani A, Girard F, Macdonald ME, De Souza G, Tam L, Eggert FM, Nguyen Ngoc C, Morin N, Aggarwal N, Schroth RJ. “The Canadian Core Cariology Curriculum: Outcomes of a national symposium.” J Dent Educ. 22 juillet 2020: 1245-1253. 10.1002/jdd.12313
Ngoc CN, Ghuman T, Ahmed SN, Donovan TE. The erosive potential of additive artificial flavoring in bottled water. Gen Dent. 2018;66(5):46-51.
Ngoc CN, Mehta R, Donovan TE, Zandona AG. Teaching Silver Diamine Fluoride in US Dental Schools’ Predoctoral Curricula. J Dent Educ. 2018 Dec 1;82(12):1305-9.
Ngoc CN, Donovan TE. Education About Dental Erosion in US and Canadian Dental Schools. J Dent Educ. 2018 Dec 1;82(12):1296-304.
Alraheam IA, Ngoc CN, Wiesen CA, Donovan TE. Five‐year success rate of resin‐bonded fixed partial dentures: A systematic review. J Esthet Resto Dent. 2018 Oct 10
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