Antonio Nanci
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté de médecine dentaire - Département de stomatologie
Roger-Gaudry local A212
- Professeur accrédité
Faculté de médecine - Département de biochimie et médecine moléculaire
Télécopieur : 514 343-2233
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Dr.Nanci est professeur titulaire à la Faculté de médecine dentaire depuis 1992. Il est aussi professeur accrédité au Département de biochimie et médecine moléculaire (Faculté de médecine). Il a été trois fois Directeur du Département de stomatologie, un département qui a une vocation double d'enseignement clinique et sciences fondamentales, ce qui le porte à être directement impliqué dans la gestion de 3 services cliniques. Il est présentement vice-doyen à la recherche et aux études supérieures à la Faculté de médecine dentaire. De plus, il est toujours activement impliqué en enseignement en salle de cours. Depuis 2006, il est également professeur invité à l'Université de Sao Paulo à Ribeiro Preto, Brésil et récemment à l’Université de Messina en Italie. Il est membre de l’Académie scientifique de l'Université de Bologne, et il a fait partie du Conseil scientifique du très prestigieux Hôpital Rizzoli de Bologne. Il siège sur deux comités de la Direction des relations internationales et il a participé à divers efforts d'internationalisation de l'Université. Il a eu le privilège de multiples mandats à l'AU, et il e siège présentement au Comité du budget. Il a fait partie du comité de négociation patronal pour le renouvèlement de la convention collective avec le SCCCUM (2009/2010), ce qui lui a permis de mieux apprécier notre corps professoral et d'approfondir ses connaissances en relations de travail.
Sur le plan recherche, il détient des subventions de multiples organismes publics gouvernementaux (IRSC, CRSNG, NIH, FRQ). Ses travaux de recherche ont fait la une des médias, entre autres les 10 découvertes de l'année de Québec Science. Il a siégé sur divers comités de pairs pour les organismes subventionnaires et il est régulièrement sollicité pour l'évaluation de demandes de fonds aux niveaux national et international, et pour l'évaluation d'articles scientifiques. Il est présentement sur le comité éditorial de deux revues scientifiques. En tant que responsable de la Plateforme d'imagerie électronique de l'Université, il supporte et collabore avec des chercheurs et leurs étudiants provenant du milieu académique et industriel.
Nonobstant le fait qu’il ne soit pas dentiste de formation, il été fait membre honoraire de l'Académie dentaire du Québec. De 1996-2002, il a présidé l’Association canadienne de recherche dentaire. En 2008 et 2009, il a agi comme vice-président et président élu de la Société internationale d'histochimie et cytochimie. Il est l'auteur/éditeur du livre “Ten Cate's Oral Histology: Development, Structure, and Function”. Ce livre, le plus connu dans le domaine est traduit en plusieurs langues, sert de référence pour les examens des Boards dentaires. Par sa large diffusion mondiale, il contribue à faire connaître l’UdeM mondialement. Il est régulièrement invité dans des facultés dentaires à travers le monde pour partager ses recherches, leur application translationnelle en santé bucco-dentaire, et sa vision sur l'évolution de notre discipline vers une approche plus biomédicale que seuls les dentistes peuvent dispenser. Au total, il a été conférencier invite 130 fois. Le Dr.Nanci a publié plus de 200 articles reconnus par des comités de pairs.
- 1982 - 1982 Stage Post-doctorat, Craniofacial and Developmental Biology, University of Southern California. Superviseur: Dr. Harold C. Slavkin
- 1978 - 1982 Ph.D. Anatomie et Biologie Cellulaire, McGill University. Superviseur: Dr. H. Warshawsky
- 1976 - 1978 M.Sc. Pathologie, Université de Montréal. Superviseur: Dr. F. Babaï
- 1973 - 1976 B.Sc. Anatomie et Biologie Cellulaire, McGill University
- Titulaire – Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les tissus calcifiés et les biomatériaux et imagerie structurale
- Membre – RSBO — Réseau de recherche en santé buccodentaire et osseuse
Recrutement recherche
Le Laboratoire de recherche sur les tissus calcifiés et les biomatériaux recrutent des étudiant(e)s en maîtrise et de doctorant motivé-es afin de poursuivre des travaux de recherche.
- Bio-ingénierie et biomatériaux
- Biologie cellulaire
- Biologie moléculaire
- Maladies parodontales et maladies systémiques
- Microscopie électronique
- Minéralisation normale et pathologique
- Stomatologie
- Thérapie génique
- Tissus calcifiés (émail, dentine, os)
- La caractérisation des protéines dentaires et osseuses
- Les effets des drogues et pathologies des tissus calcifiés.
- L’ultrastructure des tissus calcifiés
- Les mécanismes de minéralisation
- La santé parodontale
- Le recours à la thérapie génique pour le contrôle et la réparation tissulaire
- Les modifications des surfaces des biomatériaux à l’aide de molécules bioactives
- Le développement de nouvelles approches chirurgicales pour la livraison des biopolymères
- La réparation tissulaire à l’aide de la bio-ingénierie
Responsabilités et rayonnement Tout déplier Tout replier
- 2020 – à ce jour Membre Comité pour la nomination d’un directeur au département de restauration
- 2020 – à ce jour Membre Sous-comité de conseil et d’accompagnement pour la reprise et maintien des activités de recherche (Recherche bio-médicale, CCA2)
- 2019 – à ce jour Membre Comité de développement académique en médecine dentaire
- 2018 – à ce jour Membre Comité vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la découverte, à la création et à l’innovation (VRRDCI)
- 1990 - à ce jour Directeur de la Plateforme de microscopie électronique
- 2018 - à ce jour Vice-Doyen à la recherche et aux études supérieures de la faculté dentaire
Encadrement Tout déplier Tout replier
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
- 2018-2019 Fouillen, Aurélien. Characterization of the ODAM protein.
- 2018-2020 Mary, Charline. Characterization of the antibacterial potential of the protein SCPPPQ1.
- 2016-2020 Bueno Renan. Contribution of nanotography to micromotion-induced tissue deformation around implants.
- 2015-2017 Rodriguez Contreras, Alejandra. Physichochemical and molecular characterization of cellular activity at the epithelial-tooth/implant interface.
- 2013 Okamoto, Roberta. Expression of noncollagenous matrix proteins during bone regeneration model following incisor tooth implantation in rat.
- 2012-2013 Ariganello, Marianne. L’étude du rôle des mitochondries dans la calcification ectopique.
- 2011-2012 Adachi, Patricia. Study on temporal osteopontin expression and its influence on matrix mineralization of osteogenic cells cultured on a nanotextured titanium surface.
- 2010 Variola, Fabio. Modification nanométrique des biomatériaux.
- 2009-2011 Kuroda, Shingo. Influence of micromotion and surface topographies on osseointegration.
- 2009-2010 Zago, Michela. Implication des motifs fonctionnels sur l’activité des protéines non-collagéniques de la matrice osseuse.
- 2008-2010 Nishio, Clarice. Overexpression impact of amelotin and apin on attachment of cells to mineralized surface.
- 2007-2009 Wazen, Rima. Experimental manipulation of cell and tissue events in calcified tissues.
- 2005-2008 Vetrone, Fiorenzo. Nanoscale modification of biomaterials, Towards intelligent surfaces.
- 2005-2006 De Armas, Lopez Natalia. Characterization of the secretome of the tooth organ.
- 2004-2008 Yi, Ji-Hyun Daniel. Surface characterization of nanostructured biomaterials.
- 2004-2007 Richert, Ludovic. Development surface treatment of biomaterials.
- 2004-2005 Bernard, Caroline. Functionalization of titanium-based surfaces for biomedical applications.
- 2002-2004 El Feninat, Fatiha. Immobilisation des protéines sur différents substrats et leurs caractérisations par la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformé de Fourier (FTIR).
- 2002-2003 Shimazu, Yoshiito. Effect of retinoic acid and forskolin on bone formation.
- 2002-2003 Tambasco de Oliveira, Paolo. Expression of extracellular matrix proteins in cultured bone cells.
- 1999 Laboux, Olivier. Effect of vitamin D deficiency on the tooth organ of 1-alpha-hydroxylase knock-out mice.
- 1998-2000 Sakamoto, Yujiro. Effect of calcium and vitamin D deficiency on calcified tissue formation.
- 1996-1998 Sumitomo, Mayuko. Molecular and in situ hybridization analyses of the expression of noncollagenous proteins in teeth.
- 1995-1996 Yoshino, Hiroshi. Epithelial aspects of periodontal healing - Effect of growth factors.
- 1995-1997 Irie, Kazuharu. In vitro studies on bone formation.
- 1995-1996 Mocetti, Patrizia. Effects of hypoclacemia on the formation of mineralized tissues.
- 1994-1995 Péru, Laurence. Analysis of surfaces modified with bioactive molecules.
- 1994-1996 Hashimoto, Junji. Cell biology of amelogenesis and related epithelial and mesenchymal processes.
- 1994-1997 Bosshardt, Dieter D. Epithelio-mesenchymal interactions during root development and deposition of cementum matrix.
- 1992-1993 Zhang, Qi. Characterization and purification of noncollagenous proteins of bone.
- 1991-1994 Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki. Application of cryogenic preparation methods to tissues for the study of amelogenesis. Study of the regeneration of the junctional epithelium and of alveolar bone.
- 1989-1990 McKee, Marc, D. Immunolocalization of the phosphoprotein, BPP 66 kDa in bone and in cartilage.
- 1989 Berdal, Ariane. Immunolocalization of calbindins in the enamel organ.
Projets de recherche Tout déplier Tout replier
Role of SCPPPQ1, a junctional epithelium protein, in maintaining periodontal integrity and health Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2031
Canada Research Chair in Calcified Tissues and Biomaterials, and Structural Imaging Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2030
Investigating the Adamts19-dependent mechanisms that regulate valve maturation Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2027
Role of SCPPPQ1, a junctional epithelium protein, in maintaining periodontal integrity and health Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2026
Infrastructure en microscopie électronique pour l'imagerie avancée et des applications en biologie structurale Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2026
Infrastructure pour la caractérisation structurale en microscopie électronique à balayage Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2024
Functional structural biology of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2024
Contribution of Surface Topography to the Mechanobiology at the Healing Bone-Implant Interface Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2024
Réseau de Recherche en Santé Buccodentaire et Osseuse - Soutien aux Infrastructures 2020 - RSBO Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2023
Chaire du Canada - Calcified Tissues and Biomaterials, and Structural Imaging Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2023
Supplément COVID-19 CRSNG_Functional Structural Biology of Noncollagenous Bone Matrix Proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2021
Infrastructure pour la caractérisation structurale en microscopie électronique à balayage Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2021
Functional characterization of matrix molecules in calcified tissues and of nanostructured biomaterials Projet de recherche au Canada / 2012 - 2020
Correlative light and electron microscopy under cryogenic conditions Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2019
Préparation et évaluation de matrice extra-cellulaire de peau d'axolotl pour l'induction de la régénération chez les mammifères Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2019
Mechanobiology at healing bone-implant interface Projet de recherche au Canada / 2014 - 2019
Infrastructure for correlative electron and high-resolution light microscopy Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2017
Functional structural biology of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2017
Functional characterization of APIN/ODAM, a novel junctional epithelium protein Projet de recherche au Canada / 2011 - 2017
PLASMA-QUEBEC Projet de recherche au Canada / 2008 - 2017
Structural and functional characterization of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2014 - 2016
Training program in cellular dynamics of macromolecular complexes Projet de recherche au Canada / 2010 - 2016
Infrasctructure pour l'imagerie optique et électronique corrélative Projet de recherche au Canada / 2013 - 2015
Functional structural biology of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins EPHTHELIUM PROTEIN Projet de recherche au Canada / 2010 - 2015
Functional characterization of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2009 - 2015
Functional studies and experimental manipulation of ameloblastin expression Projet de recherche au Canada / 2008 - 2015
Functional structural biology of noncollagenous bone matrix proteins Projet de recherche au Canada / 2009 - 2013
Functional studies and experimental manipulation of ameloblastin expression Projet de recherche au Canada / 2008 - 2013
Publications Tout déplier Tout replier
Fouillen A, Mary C, Ponce KJ, Moffatt P, Nanci A. A proline rich protein from the gingival seal around teeth exhibits antimicrobial properties against Porphyromonas gingivalis. Sci Rep. 2021; 11:2353.
Igelmann S, Lessard F, Fernandez-Ruiz A, Boiuchard J, Uchenunu O, Rowell MC, Lopes-Paciência S, Papadopoli D, Fouillen A, Ponce KJ, Huot G, Mignacca L, Benfdil M, Kalegari P, Wahba HM, Pencik J, Vuong N, Quenneville J, Bourdeau V, Hulea L, Gagnon E, Kenner L, Moriggl R, Nanci A, Pollak M, Omichinski J, Topisitrovic I, Ferbeyre G. A hydride transfer complex reprograms NAD metabolism preventing senescence. Mol Cell 2021, accepté
Beskrovnaya P, Fakih D, Sexton D, Xing S, Golmohammadzadeh M, Morneau I, Guadarrama Bello D, Nanci A, Huan T, Tocheva. No endospore formation confirmed in members of the phylum proteobacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 2020, 87: e02312-20
Ducrot C, Bourque MJ, Delmas C, Racine AS, Guadarrama Bello D, Delignat-Lavaud B, Lycas MD, Fallon A, Michaud-Tardif C, Burke Nanni S, Herborg F, Gether U, Nanci A, Takahashi H, Parent M, Trudeau LE. Dopaminergic neurons establish a distinctive axonal arbor with a majority of non-synaptic terminals. bioRxiv 2020, 1: 1
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Ponce KJ, Dias AP, Guadarrama Bello D, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Influence of Nanotopography on Early Bone Healing during Controlled Implant Loading. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2020 ;10(11):2191.
Guadarrama Bello D, Fouillen A, Badia A, Nanci A. Nanoporosity Stimulates Cell Spreading and Focal Adhesion Formation in Cells with Mutated Paxillin. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020;12(13):14924-14932.
Camacho D, Frazao R, Fouillen A, Nanci A, Lang BF, Apte SC, Baron C, Warren LA. New Insights Into Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans Sulfur Metabolism Through Coupled Gene Expression, Solution Chemistry, Microscopy, and Spectroscopy Analyses. Front Microbiol. 2020;11:411.
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Dias AP, Ponce KJ, Brunski JB, Nanci A. System for application of controlled forces on dental implants in rat maxillae: Influence of the number of load cycles on bone healing. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2020;108(3):965-975.
Rodriguez-Contreras A, Nanci A. Nanocavitation of stainless steel improves its corrosion resistance and minimizes toxic effects on MC3T3-E1 osteogenic cells. Surf Coat Technol 2020 382:125225
Gourgas O, Muiznieks LD, Bello DG, Nanci A, Sharpe S, Cerruti M. Cross-linked elastin-like polypeptide membranes as a model for medial arterial calcification. Biomacromolecules. 2019: 20(7) 2625-2636.
Fouillen A, Grenier D, Barbeau J, Baron C, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Selective bacterial degradation of the extracellular matrix attaching the gingiva to the tooth. Eur J Oral Sci. 2019: 1-10.
Ariganello MB, Guadarrama Bello D, Rodriguez-Contreras A, Sadeghi S, Isola G, Variola F, Nanci A. Surface nanocavitation of titanium modulates macrophage activity. Int J Nanomedicine. 2018:13 8297-8308.
Bouvette J, Korkut DN, Fouillen A, Amellah S, Nanci A, Durocher Y, Omichinski JG, Legault P. Hight-yield production of human Dicer by transfection of human HEK293-EBNA1 cells grown in suspension. BMC Biotechnol. 2018; 18(1):76.
Duval T, Saliani A, Nami H, Nanci A, Stikov N, Leblond H, Cohen-Adad J. Axons morphometry in the human spinal cord. Neuroimage. 2019 Jan 15. 185:119-128.
Mary C, Fouillen A, Bessette B, Nanci A, Baron C. Interaction via the N terminus of the type IV secretion system (T4SS) protein VirB6 with VirB10 is required for VirB2 and VirB5 incorporation into T-pili and for T4SS function.J Biol Chem. 2018; 293(35):13415-13426
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Dias AP, Ponce KJ, Wazen R, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Bone healing response in cyclically loaded implants: Comparing zero, one, and two loading sessions per day. J Mech Beav Biomed Mater. 2018; 85:152-161.
Casu B, Mary C, Sverzhinsky A, Fouillen A, Nanci A, Baron C. VirB8 homolog TraE from plasmid pKM101 forms a hexameric ring structure and interacts with the VirB6 homolog TraD. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018; 115(23):5950-5955.
Diomede F, Gugliandolo A, Cardelli P, Merciaro I, Ettorre V, Traini T, Bedini R , Scionti D, Bramanti A, Nanci A, Caputi S, Fontana A, Mazzon E, Trubiani O. Three-dimensional printed PLA scaffold and human gingival stem cell-derived extracellulat vesicles: a new tool for bone defect repair. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018; 9(1):104.
Deshaies JE, Shrekta L, Moszczynski AJ, Sidibé H, Semmler S, Fouillen A, Bennett ER, Bekenstein U, Destroismaisons L, Toutant J, Delmotte Q, Volkening K, Stabile S, Aulas A, Khalfallah Y, Soreq H, Nanci A, Strong MJ, Chabot B, Vande Velde C. TDP-43 regulates the alternative splicing of hnRNP A1 to yield an aggregation-prone variant in amyotrophic lateral slerosis. Brain. 2018; 141(5):1320-1333.
Rodriguez-Contreras A, Guadarrama Bello D, Flynn S, Variola F, Wuest JD, Nanci A. Chemical nanocavitation of surfaces to enhance the utility of stainless as a medical material. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2018; 161:677-687.
Guadarrama Bello D, Fouillen A, Badia A, Nanci A. A nanoporous titanium surface promotes the maturation of focal adhesions and formation of filopodia with distinctive nanoscale protusions by osteogenic cells. Acta Biomater. 2017; 60:339-349.
Fouillen A, Dos Santos Neves J, Mary C, Castonguay JD, Moffatt P, Baron C, Nanci A. Interactions of AMTN, ODAM and SCPPPQ1 proteins of a specialized basal lamina that attaches epithelial cells to tooth mineral. Sci Rep 2017; 7:46683.
Moffatt P, Geng Y, Lamplugh L, Nanci A, Roughley PJ. Absence of the dermatan sulfate chain of decorin does not affect mouse development. J Negat Results Biomed. 2017;16(1):7.
Smart J, Fouillen A, Casu B, Nanci A, Baron C. Cag-delta (Cag3) protein from the Helicobacter pylori 26695 cag type IV secretion system forms ring-like supramolecular assemblies. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2017;364(1).
Wazen RM, Viegas-Costa LC, Fouillen A, Moffatt P, Adair-Kirk TL, Senior RM, Nanci A. Laminin γ2 knockout mice rescued with the human protein exhibit enamel maturation defects. Matrix Biol. 2016;52-54:207-18.
Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Ponce KJ, Kuroda S, Nishio C, Nanci A. Inactivation of the Odontogenic ameloblast-associated gene affects the integrity of the junctional epithelium and gingival healing. Eur Cell Mater. 2015; 28;30:187-99.
Maeda Y, Kuroda S, Ganzorig K, Wazen RM, Nanci A, Tanaka E. Histomorphometric analysis of overloading on palatal tooth movement into the maxillary sinus. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2015; 148(3):423-30.
Maia LP, Reino DM, Muglia VA, Almeida AL, Nanci A, Wazen RM, de Oliveira PT, Palioto DB, Novaes AB Jr. Influence of periodontal tissue thickness on buccal plate remodelling on immediate implants with xenograft. J Clin Periodontol. 2015; 42(6):590-8.
Moffatt P, Wazen RM, Dos Santos Neves J, Nanci A. Characterisation of secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein-proline-glutamine-rich 1: a novel basal lamina component expressed at cell-tooth interfaces. Cell Tissue Res. 2014;358(3):843-55.
Ariganello MB, Omelon S, Variola F, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Osteogenic cell cultures cannot utilize exogenous sources of synthetic polyphosphate for mineralization. J Cell Biochem. 2014;115(12):2089-102.
Variola F, Zalzal SF, Leduc A, Barbeau J, Nanci A . Oxidative nanopatterning of titanium generates mesoporous surfaces with antimicrobial properties. Int J Nanomedicine. 2014; 9:2319-25.
Omelon S, Ariganello M, Bonucci E, Grynpas M, Nanci A. A review of phosphate mineral nucleation in biology and geobiology. Calcif Tissue Int. 2013;93(4):382-96.
Nishio C, Wazen R, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Expression of odontogenic ameloblast-associated and amelotin proteins in the junctional epithelium. Periodontol 2000. 2013; 63(1):59-66.
Wazen RM, Currey JA, Guoc H, Brunski, JB, Helms JA, Nanci A.Micromotion-induced strain fields influence early stages of repair at bone-implant interfaces. Acta Biomaterialia. 2013; 9(5):6663-74
Pereira KK, Alves OC, Novaes AB Jr, de Oliveira FS, Yi JH, Zaniquelli O, Wolf-Brandstetter C, Scharnweber D, Variola F, Nanci A, Rosa AL, de Oliveira PT. Progression of osteogenic cell cultures grown on microtopographic titanium coated with calcium phosphate and functionalized with a type I collagen-derived peptide. J Periodontol, 2013;84(8):1199-210
Wazen RM, Kuroda S, Nishio C, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Gene expression profiling by DNA microarray and histomorphometric analyses of healing bone around nanotextured implants. Nanomedicine, 2013;8(9):1385-95.
Kuroda S, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2013): Mechanical stress induces bone formation in the maxillary sinus in a short-term mouse model. Clin Oral Invest, 17: 131-137.
Lacruz RS, Smith CE, Moffatt P, Chang EH, Bromage TG, Bringas Jr P, Nanci A, Baniwal SK, Zabner J, Welsh MJ, Kurtz I, Paine ML (2012): Requirements for ion and solute transport, and pH regulation, during enamel maturation. J Cell Physiol, 227: 1776–1785.
Dos Santos Neves J, Wazen RM, Kuroda S, Francis Zalzal S, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2012): Odontogenic ameloblast-associated and amelotin are novel basal lamina components. Histochem Cell Biol, 137:329–338.
Bartlett JD, Yamakoshi Y, Simmer JP, Nanci A, Smith CE (2011): MMP20 Cleaves E-Cadherin and influences ameloblast development.Cells Tissues Organs, 194: 222-226.
Bartlett JD, Skobe Z, Nanci A, Smith CE (2011): Matrix metalloproteinase 20 promotes a smooth enamel surface, a strong dentino–enamel junction, and a decussating enamel rod pattern. Eur J Oral Sci, 119 (Suppl. 1) : 199-205.
Kuroda S, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2011): Ameloblastin is not implicated in bone remodeling and repair. Eur Cells Mater, 22: 56-67.
Duong A, Dubois M-A, Maris T, Métivaud V, Yi J-H, Nanci A, Rocherfort A, Wuest JD (2011): Engineering homologous molecular organization in 2D and 3D cocrystallization of pyridyl-substituted diaminotriazines with alkanecarboxylic acids. J Phys Chem C, 115: 12908–12919
Bueno RBL, Adachi P, Castro-Raucci LMS, Rosa AL, Nanci A, Tambasco de Oliveira P (2011): Oxidative nanopatterning of titanium surfaces promotes production and extracellular accumulation of osteopontin. Braz Dent J, 22: 179-184.
Variola F, Brunski JB, Orsini G, Tambasco de Oliveira P, Wazen RM, Nanci A (2011): Nanoscale surface modifications of medically relevant metals: state-of-the art and perspectives. Nanoscale, 3:335-353.
Richert L, Variola F, Rosei F, Wuest JD, Nanci A (2010): Adsorption of proteins on nanoporous Ti surfaces. Surf Sci, 604:1445-1451.
Fouillen A, Mary C, Ponce KJ, Moffatt P, Nanci A. A proline rich protein from the gingival seal around teeth exhibits antimicrobial properties against Porphyromonas gingivalis. Sci Rep. 2021; 11:2353.
Igelmann S, Lessard F, Fernandez-Ruiz A, Boiuchard J, Uchenunu O, Rowell MC, Lopes-Paciência S, Papadopoli D, Fouillen A, Ponce KJ, Huot G, Mignacca L, Benfdil M, Kalegari P, Wahba HM, Pencik J, Vuong N, Quenneville J, Bourdeau V, Hulea L, Gagnon E, Kenner L, Moriggl R, Nanci A, Pollak M, Omichinski J, Topisitrovic I, Ferbeyre G. A hydride transfer complex reprograms NAD metabolism preventing senescence. Mol Cell 2021, accepté
Beskrovnaya P, Fakih D, Sexton D, Xing S, Golmohammadzadeh M, Morneau I, Guadarrama Bello D, Nanci A, Huan T, Tocheva. No endospore formation confirmed in members of the phylum proteobacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 2020, 87: e02312-20
Ducrot C, Bourque MJ, Delmas C, Racine AS, Guadarrama Bello D, Delignat-Lavaud B, Lycas MD, Fallon A, Michaud-Tardif C, Burke Nanni S, Herborg F, Gether U, Nanci A, Takahashi H, Parent M, Trudeau LE. Dopaminergic neurons establish a distinctive axonal arbor with a majority of non-synaptic terminals. bioRxiv 2020, 1: 1
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Ponce KJ, Dias AP, Guadarrama Bello D, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Influence of Nanotopography on Early Bone Healing during Controlled Implant Loading. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2020 ;10(11):2191.
Guadarrama Bello D, Fouillen A, Badia A, Nanci A. Nanoporosity Stimulates Cell Spreading and Focal Adhesion Formation in Cells with Mutated Paxillin. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020;12(13):14924-14932.
Camacho D, Frazao R, Fouillen A, Nanci A, Lang BF, Apte SC, Baron C, Warren LA. New Insights Into Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans Sulfur Metabolism Through Coupled Gene Expression, Solution Chemistry, Microscopy, and Spectroscopy Analyses. Front Microbiol. 2020;11:411.
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Dias AP, Ponce KJ, Brunski JB, Nanci A. System for application of controlled forces on dental implants in rat maxillae: Influence of the number of load cycles on bone healing. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2020;108(3):965-975.
Rodriguez-Contreras A, Nanci A. Nanocavitation of stainless steel improves its corrosion resistance and minimizes toxic effects on MC3T3-E1 osteogenic cells. Surf Coat Technol 2020 382:125225
Gourgas O, Muiznieks LD, Bello DG, Nanci A, Sharpe S, Cerruti M. Cross-linked elastin-like polypeptide membranes as a model for medial arterial calcification. Biomacromolecules. 2019: 20(7) 2625-2636.
Fouillen A, Grenier D, Barbeau J, Baron C, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Selective bacterial degradation of the extracellular matrix attaching the gingiva to the tooth. Eur J Oral Sci. 2019: 1-10.
Ariganello MB, Guadarrama Bello D, Rodriguez-Contreras A, Sadeghi S, Isola G, Variola F, Nanci A. Surface nanocavitation of titanium modulates macrophage activity. Int J Nanomedicine. 2018:13 8297-8308.
Bouvette J, Korkut DN, Fouillen A, Amellah S, Nanci A, Durocher Y, Omichinski JG, Legault P. Hight-yield production of human Dicer by transfection of human HEK293-EBNA1 cells grown in suspension. BMC Biotechnol. 2018; 18(1):76.
Duval T, Saliani A, Nami H, Nanci A, Stikov N, Leblond H, Cohen-Adad J. Axons morphometry in the human spinal cord. Neuroimage. 2019 Jan 15. 185:119-128.
Mary C, Fouillen A, Bessette B, Nanci A, Baron C. Interaction via the N terminus of the type IV secretion system (T4SS) protein VirB6 with VirB10 is required for VirB2 and VirB5 incorporation into T-pili and for T4SS function.J Biol Chem. 2018; 293(35):13415-13426
de Barros E Lima Bueno R, Dias AP, Ponce KJ, Wazen R, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Bone healing response in cyclically loaded implants: Comparing zero, one, and two loading sessions per day. J Mech Beav Biomed Mater. 2018; 85:152-161.
Casu B, Mary C, Sverzhinsky A, Fouillen A, Nanci A, Baron C. VirB8 homolog TraE from plasmid pKM101 forms a hexameric ring structure and interacts with the VirB6 homolog TraD. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018; 115(23):5950-5955.
Diomede F, Gugliandolo A, Cardelli P, Merciaro I, Ettorre V, Traini T, Bedini R , Scionti D, Bramanti A, Nanci A, Caputi S, Fontana A, Mazzon E, Trubiani O. Three-dimensional printed PLA scaffold and human gingival stem cell-derived extracellulat vesicles: a new tool for bone defect repair. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018; 9(1):104.
Deshaies JE, Shrekta L, Moszczynski AJ, Sidibé H, Semmler S, Fouillen A, Bennett ER, Bekenstein U, Destroismaisons L, Toutant J, Delmotte Q, Volkening K, Stabile S, Aulas A, Khalfallah Y, Soreq H, Nanci A, Strong MJ, Chabot B, Vande Velde C. TDP-43 regulates the alternative splicing of hnRNP A1 to yield an aggregation-prone variant in amyotrophic lateral slerosis. Brain. 2018; 141(5):1320-1333.
Rodriguez-Contreras A, Guadarrama Bello D, Flynn S, Variola F, Wuest JD, Nanci A. Chemical nanocavitation of surfaces to enhance the utility of stainless as a medical material. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2018; 161:677-687.
Guadarrama Bello D, Fouillen A, Badia A, Nanci A. A nanoporous titanium surface promotes the maturation of focal adhesions and formation of filopodia with distinctive nanoscale protusions by osteogenic cells. Acta Biomater. 2017; 60:339-349.
Fouillen A, Dos Santos Neves J, Mary C, Castonguay JD, Moffatt P, Baron C, Nanci A. Interactions of AMTN, ODAM and SCPPPQ1 proteins of a specialized basal lamina that attaches epithelial cells to tooth mineral. Sci Rep 2017; 7:46683.
Moffatt P, Geng Y, Lamplugh L, Nanci A, Roughley PJ. Absence of the dermatan sulfate chain of decorin does not affect mouse development. J Negat Results Biomed. 2017;16(1):7.
Smart J, Fouillen A, Casu B, Nanci A, Baron C. Cag-delta (Cag3) protein from the Helicobacter pylori 26695 cag type IV secretion system forms ring-like supramolecular assemblies. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2017;364(1).
Wazen RM, Viegas-Costa LC, Fouillen A, Moffatt P, Adair-Kirk TL, Senior RM, Nanci A. Laminin γ2 knockout mice rescued with the human protein exhibit enamel maturation defects. Matrix Biol. 2016;52-54:207-18.
Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Ponce KJ, Kuroda S, Nishio C, Nanci A. Inactivation of the Odontogenic ameloblast-associated gene affects the integrity of the junctional epithelium and gingival healing. Eur Cell Mater. 2015; 28;30:187-99.
Maeda Y, Kuroda S, Ganzorig K, Wazen RM, Nanci A, Tanaka E. Histomorphometric analysis of overloading on palatal tooth movement into the maxillary sinus. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2015; 148(3):423-30.
Maia LP, Reino DM, Muglia VA, Almeida AL, Nanci A, Wazen RM, de Oliveira PT, Palioto DB, Novaes AB Jr. Influence of periodontal tissue thickness on buccal plate remodelling on immediate implants with xenograft. J Clin Periodontol. 2015; 42(6):590-8.
Moffatt P, Wazen RM, Dos Santos Neves J, Nanci A. Characterisation of secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein-proline-glutamine-rich 1: a novel basal lamina component expressed at cell-tooth interfaces. Cell Tissue Res. 2014;358(3):843-55.
Ariganello MB, Omelon S, Variola F, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Osteogenic cell cultures cannot utilize exogenous sources of synthetic polyphosphate for mineralization. J Cell Biochem. 2014;115(12):2089-102.
Variola F, Zalzal SF, Leduc A, Barbeau J, Nanci A . Oxidative nanopatterning of titanium generates mesoporous surfaces with antimicrobial properties. Int J Nanomedicine. 2014; 9:2319-25.
Omelon S, Ariganello M, Bonucci E, Grynpas M, Nanci A. A review of phosphate mineral nucleation in biology and geobiology. Calcif Tissue Int. 2013;93(4):382-96.
Nishio C, Wazen R, Moffatt P, Nanci A. Expression of odontogenic ameloblast-associated and amelotin proteins in the junctional epithelium. Periodontol 2000. 2013; 63(1):59-66.
Wazen RM, Currey JA, Guoc H, Brunski, JB, Helms JA, Nanci A.Micromotion-induced strain fields influence early stages of repair at bone-implant interfaces. Acta Biomaterialia. 2013; 9(5):6663-74
Pereira KK, Alves OC, Novaes AB Jr, de Oliveira FS, Yi JH, Zaniquelli O, Wolf-Brandstetter C, Scharnweber D, Variola F, Nanci A, Rosa AL, de Oliveira PT. Progression of osteogenic cell cultures grown on microtopographic titanium coated with calcium phosphate and functionalized with a type I collagen-derived peptide. J Periodontol, 2013;84(8):1199-210
Wazen RM, Kuroda S, Nishio C, Brunski JB, Nanci A. Gene expression profiling by DNA microarray and histomorphometric analyses of healing bone around nanotextured implants. Nanomedicine, 2013;8(9):1385-95.
Kuroda S, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2013): Mechanical stress induces bone formation in the maxillary sinus in a short-term mouse model. Clin Oral Invest, 17: 131-137.
Lacruz RS, Smith CE, Moffatt P, Chang EH, Bromage TG, Bringas Jr P, Nanci A, Baniwal SK, Zabner J, Welsh MJ, Kurtz I, Paine ML (2012): Requirements for ion and solute transport, and pH regulation, during enamel maturation. J Cell Physiol, 227: 1776–1785.
Dos Santos Neves J, Wazen RM, Kuroda S, Francis Zalzal S, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2012): Odontogenic ameloblast-associated and amelotin are novel basal lamina components. Histochem Cell Biol, 137:329–338.
Bartlett JD, Yamakoshi Y, Simmer JP, Nanci A, Smith CE (2011): MMP20 Cleaves E-Cadherin and influences ameloblast development.Cells Tissues Organs, 194: 222-226.
Bartlett JD, Skobe Z, Nanci A, Smith CE (2011): Matrix metalloproteinase 20 promotes a smooth enamel surface, a strong dentino–enamel junction, and a decussating enamel rod pattern. Eur J Oral Sci, 119 (Suppl. 1) : 199-205.
Kuroda S, Wazen RM, Moffatt P, Nanci A (2011): Ameloblastin is not implicated in bone remodeling and repair. Eur Cells Mater, 22: 56-67.
Duong A, Dubois M-A, Maris T, Métivaud V, Yi J-H, Nanci A, Rocherfort A, Wuest JD (2011): Engineering homologous molecular organization in 2D and 3D cocrystallization of pyridyl-substituted diaminotriazines with alkanecarboxylic acids. J Phys Chem C, 115: 12908–12919
Bueno RBL, Adachi P, Castro-Raucci LMS, Rosa AL, Nanci A, Tambasco de Oliveira P (2011): Oxidative nanopatterning of titanium surfaces promotes production and extracellular accumulation of osteopontin. Braz Dent J, 22: 179-184.
Variola F, Brunski JB, Orsini G, Tambasco de Oliveira P, Wazen RM, Nanci A (2011): Nanoscale surface modifications of medically relevant metals: state-of-the art and perspectives. Nanoscale, 3:335-353.
Richert L, Variola F, Rosei F, Wuest JD, Nanci A (2010): Adsorption of proteins on nanoporous Ti surfaces. Surf Sci, 604:1445-1451.
Prix et distinctions
- 2016 Doctor Honoris Causa, Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine. Universita degli studi di Messina.
- 2009 Research featured in CIHR research profile - Nanotechnology breakthrough could lead to better implants.
- 2008 Research featured in CIHR research profile - New teeth for old.
- 2008 Research featured in CIHR Annual Report - CIHR portraits of partnerships.
- 2007 Maffo Vialli International Award of Histochemistry. Italian Histochemical Society.
- 1997 10 Discoveries of the Year Distinction. Québec Science.
- 1995 10 Discoveries of the Year Distinction.
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