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/ Faculté de médecine dentaire

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Les publications de nos chercheurs

Vous trouverez ici tous les articles publiés de nos professeurs dans les différents médias.

Mai 2024

  • Angarita-Fonseca A, Roy M, Lacasse A, Léonard G, Rainville P, Marin MF, Tufa I, Gentile EL, Pagé MG. Trajectories of pain and depressive symptoms among people living with low back pain during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 24-month longitudinal study. PAIN REPORTS. 2024;9(4):e1165.

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  • Coll MP, Walden Z, Bourgoin PA, Taylor V, Rainville P, Robert M, Nguyen DK, Jolicoeur P, Roy M. Pain reflects the informational value of nociceptive inputs. Pain. 2024.

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  • Herrero Babiloni A, Provost C, Charlebois-Plante C, De Koninck BP, Apinis-Deshaies A, De Beaumont L, Lavigne GJ, Martel MO. The Contribution of Sleep Quality and Psychological Factors to the Experience of Within-Day Pain Fluctuations Among Individuals With Temporomandibular Disorders. Journal of Pain. 2024:104576.

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  • Herrero Babiloni A, Provost C, Charlebois-Plante C, De Koninck BP, Apinis-Deshaies A, Lavigne GJ, Martel MO, De Beaumont L. One session of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induces mild and transient analgesic effects among female individuals with painful temporomandibular disorders. Journal of Oral Rehabillitation. 2024;51(5):827-39.

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  • Mathavarajah S, Thompson AW, Stoyek MR, Quinn TA, Roy S, Braasch I, Dellaire G. Suppressors of cGAS-STING are downregulated during fin-limb regeneration and aging in aquatic vertebrates. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2024;342(3):241-51.

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6. Mazur-Lainé E, Soubata H, Leclerc JB, Blanchet PJ, O'Connor KP, Lavoie ME. Impacts of ADHD Symptomatology on the Response to Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Patients. Journal of Clinical Medecine. 2024;13(10).

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  • Pépin JL, Cistulli PA, Crespeigne E, Tamisier R, Bailly S, Bruwier A, Le-Dong NN, Lavigne G, Malhotra A, Martinot JB. Mandibular Jaw Movement Automated Analysis for Oral Appliance Monitoring in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Prospective Cohort Study. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY. 2024;21(5):814-22.

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  • Pham DA, Wang CS, Séguy L, Zhang H, Benbabaali S, Faivre J, Sim S, Xie GJ, Olszewski M, Rabanel JM, Moldovan F, Matyjaszewski K, Banquy X. Bioinspired Bottlebrush Polymers Effectively Alleviate Frictional Damage Both In Vitro and In Vivo. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2024.

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  • Picard ME, Kunz M, Chen JI, Coll MP, Vachon-Presseau É, Wager TD, Rainville P. A distributed brain response predicting the facial expression of acute nociceptive pain. bioRxiv. 2024.

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  • Rodrigues A, Abi-Nader S, Durand R, Rompré P, Janati AI, Atsu S, Morris M, Emami E. Effectiveness of zygomatic-implant fixed rehabilitation for the atrophic edentulous maxilla: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews 2024;13(1):146.

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  • Wang Y, Varghese J, Muhammed S, Lavigne G, Finan P, Colloca L. Clinical Phenotypes Supporting the Relationship Between Sleep Disturbance and Impairment of Placebo Effects. Journal of Pain. 2024;25(3):819-31.

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  • Wieckiewicz M, Lavigne G, Martynowicz H. Decrypting the putative interrelation between sleep bruxism, masticatory muscle pain and sleep breathing disorders: Nosology and the role of hypoxia. DENTAL AND MEDICAL PROBLEMS. 2024;61(2):165-7.

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  • Xing PL, Porée J, Rauby B, Malescot A, Martineau E, Perrot V, Rungta RL, Provost J. Phase Aberration Correction for In Vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network. IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging. 2024;43(2):662-73.

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